Top publications highlighted.
A Typed Multi-Level Datalog IR and its Compiler Framework
David Klopp, Sebastian Erdweg, and André Pacak.
In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA). 2024.
Object-Oriented Fixpoint Programming with Datalog
David Klopp, Sebastian Erdweg, and André Pacak.
In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA). 2024.
Separate Compilation and Partial Linking: Modules for Datalog IR
David Klopp, André Pacak, and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE) . 2024.
Abstract Interpretation of Java Bytecode in Sturdy
Stefan Marx and Sebastian Erdweg.
In Proceedings of International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP). ACM, 2024.
Interactive Debugging of Datalog Programs
André Pacak and Sebastian Erdweg.
In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA). 2023. [ pdf ]
Combinator-Based Fixpoint Algorithms for Big-Step Abstract Interpreters
Sven Keidel, Sebastian Erdweg, and Tobias Hombücher.
In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (ICFP). 2023. [ pdf ]
Modular Abstract Definitional Interpreters for WebAssembly
Katharina Brandl, Sebastian Erdweg, Sven Keidel, and Nils Hansen.
In European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP). 2023. [ pdf ]
On Solving Solved Problems
Sebastian Erdweg. In Eelco Visser Commemorative Symposium. 2023. [ pdf ]
Incremental Processing of Structured Data in Datalog
André Pacak, Tamás Szabó, and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE) . 2022. [ pdf ]
Functional Programming with Datalog
André Pacak and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP). 2022. [ pdf ]
Persistent Software Transactional Memory in Haskell
Nicolas Krauter, Patrick Raaf, Peter Braam, Reza Salkhordeh, Sebastian Erdweg, Andre Brinkmann. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (ICFP). ACM, 2021. [ pdf ]
Incremental Whole-Program Analysis in Datalog with Lattices
Tamás Szabó, Sebastian Erdweg, and Gábor Bergmann. In Proceedings of Conference on Programming Languages Design and Implementation (PLDI). ACM, 2021. [ pdf ]
Concise, Type-Safe, and Efficient Structural Diffing
Sebastian Erdweg, Tamás Szabó, and André Pacak. In Proceedings of Conference on Programming Languages Design and Implementation (PLDI). ACM, 2021. [ pdf ]
A Systematic Approach to Deriving Incremental Type Checkers
André Pacak, Sebastian Erdweg, and Tamás Szabó. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA). ACM, 2020. [ pdf ]
Datalog with Recursive Aggregation for Incremental Program Analyses
Tamás Szabó, Gábor Bergmann, Sebastian Erdweg and Markus Voelter. In Proceedings of International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP)–Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track. 2020. [ pdf ]
A Systematic Approach to Abstract Interpretation of Program Transformations
Sven Keidel and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI). Springer, 2020. [ pdf ]
Sound and Reusable Components for Abstract Interpretation
Sven Keidel and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA). ACM, 2019. [ pdf ]
Language-Integrated Privacy-Aware Distributed Queries
Guido Salvaneschi, Mirko Köhler, Daniel Sokolowski, Philipp Haller, Sebastian Erdweg, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA). ACM, 2019. [ pdf ]
Generating Incremental Type Services
André Pacak and Sebastian Erdweg. In International Workshop on Incremental Computing (IC). 2019.
Precise, Efficient, and Expressive Incremental Build Scripts with PIE
Gabriel Konat, Roelof Sol, Sebastian Erdweg, and Eelco Visser. In International Workshop on Incremental Computing (IC). 2019.
Incrementalizing inter-procedural program analyses with recursive aggregation in Datalog
Tamás Szabó, Gábor Bergmann, and Sebastian Erdweg. In International Workshop on Incremental Computing (IC). 2019.
Vision Paper: Generating Incremental Type Services
André Pacak and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of Software Language Engineering (SLE). ACM, 2019. [ pdf ]
Declarative Specification of Indentation Rules
Luís Eduardo de Souza Amorim, Michael J. Steindorfer, Sebastian Erdweg, and Eelco Visser. In Proceedings of Software Language Engineering (SLE). ACM, 2018
Distinguished Paper Award. [ pdf ]
Scalable Incremental Building with Dynamic Task Dependencies
Gabriël Konat, Sebastian Erdweg, and Eelco Visser. In Proceedings of International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). ACM, 2018. [ pdf ]
Incrementalizing Lattice-Based Program Analyses in DataLog
Tamás Szabó, Gábor Bergmann, Sebastian Erdweg, and Markus Völter. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA). ACM, 2018. [ pdf ]
An Infrastructure for Combining Domain Knowledge with Automated Theorem Provers (System description)
Sylvia Grewe, Sebastian Erdweg, André Pacak, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP). ACM, 2018. [ pdf ]
Incremental Overload Resolution in Object-Oriented Programming Languages
Tamás Szabó, Edlira Kuci, Matthijs Bijman, Mira Mezini, and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP). ACM, 2018. [ pdf ]
Compositional Soundness Proofs of Abstract Interpreters
Sven Keidel, Casper Bach Poulsen, and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (ICFP). ACM, 2018. [ pdf ]
Versatile Event Correlation with Algebraic Effects
Oliver Bračevac, Nada Amin, Guido Salvaneschi, Sebastian Erdweg, Patrick Eugster, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (ICFP). ACM, 2018. [ pdf ]
PIE: A Domain-Specific Language for Interactive Software Development Pipelines
Gabriël Konat, Michael J. Steindorfer, Sebastian Erdweg, and Eelco Visser. In Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, 2(3). 2018. [ pdf ]
Exploration of Language Specifications by Compilation to First-Order Logic (extended version)
Sylvia Grewe, Sebastian Erdweg, André Pacak, Michael Raulf, and Mira Mezini. In Science of Computer Programming, 155 (Special Issue on Selected Papers of PPDP'16). Elsevier, 2018. [ pdf ]
Toward Abstract Interpretation of Program Transformations
Sven Keidel and Sebastian Erdweg. In International Workshop on Meta-Programming Techniques and Reflection. ACM, 2017. [ pdf ]
IncAL: A DSL for Incremental Program Analysis with Lattices
Tamás Szabó, Sebastian Erdweg, and Markus Völter. In International Workshop on Incremental Computing (IC). 2017. [ pdf ]
Privacy-aware Distributed Incremental Computation
Mirko Köhler, Philipp Haller, Sebastian Erdweg, Mira Mezini, and Guido Salvaneschi. In International Workshop on Incremental Computing (IC). 2017. [ pdf ]
A Co-contextual Type Checker for Featherweight Java
Edlira Kuci, Sebastian Erdweg, Oliver Bračevac, Andi Bejleri, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP). 2017. [ pdf ]
A Module-System Discipline for Model-Driven Software Development
Sebastian Erdweg and Klaus Ostermann. In Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, 1(2). 2017. [ pdf ]
Programming Language Techniques for Incremental and Reactive Computing (Dagstuhl Seminar 16402)
Camil Demetrescu, Sebastian Erdweg, Matthew A. Hammer, and Shriram Krishnamurthi. In Dagstuhl Reports, 6(10):1–12. 2016. [ pdf ]
Bootstrapping, Default Formatting, and Skeleton Editing in the Spoofax Language Workbench
Gabriël Konat, Luís Eduardo de Souza Amorim, Sebastian Erdweg, and Eelco Visser. In Language Workbench Challenge (LWC). 2016. [ pdf ]
The IDE Portability Problem and its Solution in Monto
Sven Keidel, Wulf Pfeiffer, and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of Software Language Engineering (SLE). ACM, 2016. [ pdf ]
Principled Syntactic Code Completion using Placeholders
Luís Eduardo de Souza Amorim, Sebastian Erdweg, Guido Wachsmuth, and Eelco Visser. In Proceedings of Software Language Engineering (SLE). ACM, 2016. [ pdf ]
Efficient Development of Consistent Projectional Editors using Grammar Cells
Markus Völter, Tamás Szabó, Sascha Lisson, Bernd Kolb, Sebastian Erdweg, and Thorsten Berger. In Proceedings of Software Language Engineering (SLE). ACM, 2016.
Nominated for Distinguished Paper Award. [ pdf ]
Bootstrapping Domain-Specific Meta-Languages in Language Workbenches
Gabriël Konat, Sebastian Erdweg, and Eelco Visser. In Proceedings of Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE). ACM, 2016. [ pdf ]
IncA: A DSL for the Definition of Incremental Program Analyses
Tamás Szabó, Sebastian Erdweg, and Markus Völter. In Proceedings of International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). ACM, 2016. [ pdf ]
An Extensible Framework for Variable-Precision Data-Flow Analyses in MPS
Tamás Szabó, Simon Alperovich, Markus Völter, and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) — Tool Track . ACM, 2016. [ pdf ]
Exploration of Language Specifications by Compilation to First-Order Logic
Sylvia Grewe, Sebastian Erdweg, Michael Raulf, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP). ACM, 2016. [ pdf ]
Automating Proof Steps of Progress Proofs: Comparing Vampire and Dafny
Sylvia Grewe, Sebastian Erdweg, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of Vampire Workshop. EPiC, 2016. [ pdf ]
Towards Live Language Development
Gabriël Konat, Sebastian Erdweg, and Eelco Visser. In Proceedings of Workshop on Live Programming Systems (LIVE). 2016. [ pdf ]
CPL: A Core Language for Cloud Computing
Oliver Bračevac, Sebastian Erdweg, Guido Salvaneschi, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of International Conference on Modularity (AOSD), pages 94–105. ACM, 2016. [ pdf ]
Sound Type-Dependent Syntactic Language Extension
Florian Lorenzen and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), pages 204–216. ACM, 2016. [ pdf ]
Evaluating and Comparing Language Workbenches: Existing Results and Benchmarks for the Future
Sebastian Erdweg, Tijs van der Storm, Markus Völter, Laurence Tratt, Meinte Boersma, Remi Bosman, William R. Cook, Albert Gerritsen, Angelo Hulshout, Steven Kelly, Alex Loh, Gabriël Konat, Pedro J. Molina, Martin Palatnik, Risto Pohjonen, Eugen Schindler, Klemens Schindler, Riccardo Solmi, Vlad Vergu, Eelco Visser, Kevin van der Vlist, Guido Wachsmuth, and Jimi van der Woning. In Computer Languages, Systems and Structures, 44, Part A:24–47. Elsevier, 2015. [ pdf ]
Modular Capture Avoidance for Program Transformations
Nico Ritschel and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of Software Language Engineering (SLE), 59–70. ACM, 2015. Best Presentation Award. [ pdf ]
A Sound and Optimal Incremental Build System with Dynamic Dependencies
Sebastian Erdweg, Moritz Lichter, and Manuel Weiel. In Proceedings of Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), pages 89–106. ACM, 2015. [ pdf ]
A Co-contextual Formulation of Type Rules and Its Application to Incremental Type Checking
Sebastian Erdweg, Oliver Bračevac, Edlira Kuci, Matthias Krebs, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), pages 880–897. ACM, 2015. [ pdf ]
Towards Secure Integration of Cryptographic Software
Steven Arzt, Sarah Nadi, Karim Ali, Eric Bodden, Sebastian Erdweg, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming & Software (Onward), 1–13. ACM, 2015. [ pdf ]
Type Systems for the Masses: Deriving Soundness Proofs and Efficient Checkers
Sylvia Grewe, Sebastian Erdweg, Pascal Wittmann, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming & Software (Onward), 137–150. ACM, 2015. [ pdf ]
Using Vampire in Soundness Proofs of Type Systems
Sylvia Grewe, Sebastian Erdweg, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of Vampire Workshop, pages 33–51. EPiC, 2015. [ pdf ]
Domain-specific languages (Dagstuhl Seminar 15062)
Sebastian Erdweg, Martin Erwig, Richard F. Paige, and Eelco Visser. In Dagstuhl Reports, 5(2):26–43. 2015. [ pdf ]
Capture-Avoiding Program Transformations with name-fix
Sebastian Erdweg, Tijs van der Storm, and Yi Dai. In Proceedings of GI Fachtagung Software Engineering, pages 93–94. GI, 2015.
i3QL: Language-Integrated Live Data Views
Ralf Mitschke, Sebastian Erdweg, Mirko Köhler, Mira Mezini, and Guido Salvaneschi. In Proceedings of Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), pages 417–432. ACM, 2014. [ pdf ]
Towards Virtual Traits in Scala
Manuel Weiel, Ingo Maier, Sebastian Erdweg, Michael Eichberg, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of Scala Workshop, pages 67–75. ACM, 2014. [ pdf ]
Evolution of Software Systems with Extensible Languages and DSLs
Sebastian Erdweg, Stefan Fehrenbach, and Klaus Ostermann. In IEEE Software, Special Issue on New Directions in Programming Languages, 31(5):68–75. IEEE, 2014. [ pdf ]
Capture-Avoiding and Hygienic Program Transformations
Sebastian Erdweg, Tijs van der Storm, and Yi Dai. In Proceedings of European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), pages 489–514. Springer, 2014. [ pdf ]
Tracing Program Transformations with String Origins
Pablo Inostroza, Tijs van der Storm, and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT), pages 154–169. Springer, 2014. [ pdf ]
Modular Specification and Dynamic Enforcement of Syntactic Language Constraints when Generating Code
Sebastian Erdweg, Vlad Vergu, Mira Mezini, and Eelco Visser. In Proceedings of International Conference on Modularity (AOSD), pages 241–252. ACM, 2014. [ pdf ]
Finding Bugs in Program Generators by Dynamic Analysis of Syntactic Language Constraints (demo paper)
Sebastian Erdweg, Vlad Vergu, Mira Mezini, and Eelco Visser. In Proceedings of International Conference on Modularity (AOSD), pages 17–20. ACM, 2014. [ pdf ]
A Framework for Extensible Languages
Sebastian Erdweg and Felix Rieger. In Proceedings of Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE), pages 3–12. ACM, 2013. [ pdf ]
Template Constructors for Reusable Object Initialization
Marko Martin, Mira Mezini, and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE), pages 43–52. ACM, 2013. [ pdf ]
Software Evolution to Domain-Specific Languages
Stefan Fehrenbach, Sebastian Erdweg, and Klaus Ostermann. In Proceedings of Software Language Engineering (SLE), volume 8225 of LNCS, pages 96–116. Springer, 2013. [ pdf ]
The State of the Art in Language Workbenches
Sebastian Erdweg, Tijs van der Storm, Markus Völter, Meinte Boersma, Remi Bosman, William R. Cook, Albert Gerritsen, Angelo Hulshout, Steven Kelly, Alex Loh, Gabriël Konat, Pedro J. Molina, Martin Palatnik, Risto Pohjonen, Eugen Schindler, Klemens Schindler, Riccardo Solmi, Vlad Vergu, Eelco Visser, Kevin van der Vlist, Guido Wachsmuth, and Jimi van der Woning. In Proceedings of Software Language Engineering (SLE), volume 8225 of LNCS, pages 197–217. Springer, 2013. [ pdf ]
Modular and Automated Type-Soundness Verification for Language Extensions
Florian Lorenzen and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP). pages 331–342. ACM, 2013. [ pdf ]
XPoints: Extension Interfaces for Multilayered Applications
Mohamed Aly, Anis Charfi, Sebastian Erdweg, and Mira Mezini. In Proceedings of Enterprise Distributed Object Computing (EDOC), pages 237–246. IEEE, 2013. [ pdf ]
Modular and Automated Type-Soundness Verification for Language Extensions
(extended abstract) Sebastian Erdweg and Florian Lorenzen. In Proceedings of Workshop on Scalable Language Specification (SLS), 2013. [ pdf ]
Extensible Languages for Flexible and Principled Domain Abstraction
Sebastian Erdweg. PhD thesis, Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2013. [ pdf ]
Embedding a Questionnaire DSL with SugarJ
Sebastian Erdweg. In Language Workbench Challenge (LWC), 2013. [ pdf ]
Language Composition Untangled
Sebastian Erdweg, Paolo G. Giarrusso, and Tillmann Rendel. In Proceedings of Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications (LDTA), pages 7:1–7:8. ACM, 2012. [ pdf ]
Layout-sensitive Generalized Parsing
Sebastian Erdweg, Tillmann Rendel, Christian Kästner, and Klaus Ostermann. In Proceedings of Software Language Engineering (SLE), volume 7745 of LNCS, pages 244–263. Springer, 2012. [ pdf ]
A Variability-Aware Module System
Christian Kästner, Klaus Ostermann, and Sebastian Erdweg. In Proceedings of Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), pages 773–792. ACM, 2012. [ pdf ]
Layout-sensitive Language Extensibility with SugarHaskell
Sebastian Erdweg, Felix Rieger, Tillmann Rendel, and Klaus Ostermann. In Proceedings of Haskell Symposium, pages 149–160. ACM, 2012. [ pdf ]
Toward Variability-Aware Testing
Christian Kästner, Alexander von Rhein, Sebastian Erdweg, Jonas Pusch, Sven Apel, Tillmann Rendel, Klaus Ostermann. In Proceedings of Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD), pages 1–8. ACM, 2012. [ pdf ]
Library-based Model-driven Software Development with SugarJ (demo paper)
Sebastian Erdweg and Lennart C. L. Kats and Tillmann Rendel and Christian Kästner and Klaus Ostermann and Eelco Visser. In Companion to the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), pages 17–18. ACM, 2011.
SugarJ: Library-based Language Extensibility (poster paper)
Sebastian Erdweg and Lennart C. L. Kats and Tillmann Rendel and Christian Kästner and Klaus Ostermann and Eelco Visser. In Companion to the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), pages 187–188. ACM, 2011.
Growing a Language Environment with Editor Libraries
Sebastian Erdweg and Lennart C. L. Kats and Tillmann Rendel and Christian Kästner and Klaus Ostermann and Eelco Visser. In Proceedings of Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE), pages 167–176. ACM, 2011. [ pdf ]
SugarJ: Library-based Syntactic Language Extensibility
Sebastian Erdweg, Tillmann Rendel, Christian Kästner and Klaus Ostermann. In Proceedings of Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), pages 391–406. ACM, 2011. Distinguished Paper Award. [ pdf ]
Variability-Aware Parsing in the Presence of Lexical Macros and Conditional Compilation
Christian Kästner, Paolo G. Giarrusso, Tillmann Rendel, Sebastian Erdweg, Klaus Ostermann and Thorsten Berger. In Proceedings of Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), pages 805–824. ACM, 2011. [ pdf ]
Library-based Language Extensibility
Sebastian Erdweg. In Participant's Workshop of Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering (GTTSE). 2011. Best Presentation Award [ pdf ]
Abstract Features in Feature Modeling
Thomas Thüm, Christian Kästner, Sebastian Erdweg, and Norbert Siegmund. In Proceedings of Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), pages 191–200. IEEE Computer Society, 2011. [ pdf ]
Featherweight TeX and Parser Correctness
Sebastian Thore Erdweg and Klaus Ostermann. In Proceedings of Software Language Engineering (SLE), volume 6563 of LNCS, pages 397–416. Springer, 2010. [ pdf ]